My name is Matias Korman. I am an assistant professor at Tokuyama Laboratory within Tohoku University.
Contact Information
Tel: +81-22-795-4747
Fax: +81-22-795-4747
E-mail: mati@dais.is.tohoku.ac.jp
Tokuyama Laboratory
GSIS, Tohoku University
6-3-09 Aramaki-Aoba Aoba-ku Sendai
980-8579 Japan
Research Topics
In a broad sense I work in computational geometry, a field in between discrete mathematics and computer science. You can find a more detailed description of my work in my research page.
Useful Links
- Kawarabayashi Large Graph Project
- Tokuyama Laboratory
- My DBLP entry.
- A newspaper article I wrote about researching in Spain (in Spanish)
- Small data sheet
- Larger data sheet
- Compilation of grades
- Lecture slides
I am currently teaching a course called "Jouhou Kiso" (computer literacy). You can find the slides and exercise files below