Jinhee Chun,Ryosei Kasai,Matias Korman,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Algorithms for Computing the Maximum Weight Region Decomposable into Elementary Shapes",the 20th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation(ISAAC09),LNCS5878,pp.1166-1174
Jinhee Chun,Ryosei Kasai,Matias Korman and Takeshi Tokuyama,"Algorithms for Optimal Segmentation of Regions Decomposable into Basic Shapes",Proceedings of the 11th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC09),pp.138-145
Jinhee Chun,Ryosei Kasai,Matias Korman and Takeshi Tokuyama,"On simultaneous optimal segmentation of digital objects",コンピューテション研究会, 2009年10月
全 眞嬉,葛西 亮生,コルマン マティアス,徳山 豪,"基単調領域の非交差和領域の最適イメージ切り出しアルゴリズム",第8回FIT情報科学技術フォーラム2009,Vol.8,RA-006,37-42項,2009年9月(査読有)
葛西 亮生,コルマン マティアス,全 眞嬉,徳山 豪,"基本図形に分割可能な領域の最適切り出しアルゴリズム",LAシンポジウム2009,2009年7月
Ryosei Kasai,Jinhee Chun,Matias Korman,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Algorithms for optimal segmentation of regions decomposable into basic shapes",コンピューテション研究会,2009年6月
Jinhee Chun,Matias Korman,Martin N?llenburg and Takeshi Tokuyama,"Finding the maximum union of closures is NP-hard,even for trees",Proceedings of the 11th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation(WAAC08),pp.139-144
Jinhee Chun, Matias Korman, Martin Noellenburg, Takeshi Tokuyama, "Consistent digital rays", Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008 (SoCG'08), pp.355-364, June 2008, Maryland
Jinhee Chun, Matias Korman, Martin Noellenburg, Takeshi Tokuyama, "Digital Star Shapes and Their Applications", Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation 2008 (AAAC'08), April 2008, Hongkong
Jinhee Chun, Matias Korman, Martin Noellenburg, Takeshi Tokuyama, "Consistent digital rays",
24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry 2008 (EuroCG'08), March 2008, Nancy France
Jinhee Chun, Matias Korman, Martin Noellenburg, Takeshi Tokuyama, "Consistent digital rays",
コンピュテーション研究会, 2008年3月, IBM東京基礎研究所
Jinhee Chun,Matias Korman,Martin Noellenburg,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Digital Star Shapes and Their Applications",Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation 2008 (AAAC'08),Hongkong,2008年4月
Jinhee Chun,Matias Korman,Martin N?llenburg and Takeshi Tokuyama,"Consistent Digital Rays",The 2 nd International Symposium on Information Electronics Systems(CERIES-GCOE08),2008年7月
Jinhee Chun,Matias Korman,Martin Nollenburg,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Digital Star Shapes and Their Applications",情報処理学会114回アルゴリズム研究会 ,2007年9月,豊橋
Jinhee Chun, Yuji Okada, Takeshi Tokuyama,"Distance Trisector of Segments and Zone Diagram of Segments in a Plane", International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering(ISVD 2007) ,July 2007, Wales, UK
Jinhee Chun,Kunihiko Sadakane,and Takeshi Tokuyama,“Linear Time Algorithm for Approximating a Curve by a Single-peaked Curve”,Algorithmica , Vol.44, No.2(2006), pp.103-115 , [pdf]
Jinhee Chun, Kunihiko Sadakane, Takeshi Tokuyama, “Efficient Algorithms for Constructing a Pyramid from a Terrain”,
IEICE Transactions, Vol.E89-D, No.2(2006), pp.783-788
小沼寛明,全眞嬉,徳山豪,"Webデータの自動抽出とデータ変換",FIT2006報科学技術フォーラム,D-036, 2006年9月,福岡
Jinhee Chun,Kunihiko Sadakane, Takeshi Tokuyama,“Linear Time Algorithm for Approximating a Curve by a Single-peaked Curve”,,Algorithmica , Vol.44, No.2(2006), pp.103-115
Jinhee Chun,Kunihiko Sadakane, Takeshi Tokuyama, “Efficient Algorithms for Constructing a Pyramid from a Terrain”,
IEICE Transactions, Vol.E89-D, No.2(2006), pp.783-788
Jinhee Chun, Kunihiko Sadakane, Takeshi Tokuyama, Masato Yuki,
“Peak-Reducing Fitting of a Curve under the $L_p$ Metric”, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Vol. 11 (2005) No. 2, pp.191-197
Jinhee Chun,Kunihiko Sadakane,and Takeshi Tokuyama,“Construction of Expert Guided Decision Tree on Numeric Database”,8th Japan-Korea Workshop on Algorithm and Computation (WAAC05),pp.27-34,Seoul Korea,2005年8月
結城 匡人, 全眞嬉,定兼邦彦,徳山 豪,“曲線ピーク削減アルゴリズムの考察と実装”,電子情報通信学会,コンピュテーション研究会COMP,名古屋大学,2005年1月
Jinhee Chun,Kunihiko Sadakane,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Peak-Reducing Fitting of a Curve under the L1 Metric",Proceeding of Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry 2004(JCDCG04) ,2004年10月
Jinhee Chun,Kunihiko Sadakane,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Construction of Expert Guided Decision Tree on Numeric Database"The 2nd Student-Organizing International Mini-Conference on Information Electronics System(SOIM-COE04),2004年10月
Danny Z. Chen, Jinhee Chun, Naoki Katoh, Takeshi Tokuyama,"Efficient Algorithms for Approximating a Multi-Dimensional Voxel Terrain by a Unimodal Terrain",Proceedings of 10th Computing and Combinatorics Conference(COCOON2004),LNCS 3106, pp.238-248 ,2004年8月
全眞嬉,定兼邦彦,徳山豪," Efficient Algorithms for Approximating Multi-Dimensional Voxel Terrain by a Unimodal Terrain",日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会第9回SAOR研究会,2004年5月
Jinhee Chun,Kunihiko Sadakane,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Linear Time Algorithm for Approximating a Curve by a Single-Peaked Curve",International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISAAC03),2003年12月
Jinhee Chun ,Kunihiko Sadakane,Takeshi Tokuyama,"Linear Time Algorithm for Approximating a Curve by a Single-Peaked Curve",Proceeding of Japan-Korea Workshop on Algorithm and Computation (WAAC03),2003年7月, 116-123項
全眞嬉,定兼邦彦,徳山豪,"最適ピラミッドを用いた数値属性結合ルール生成アルゴリズム",5th Workshop on The Korean Scientists and Engineers Association,Vol.5 No.1,2003年3月,25-26項
全眞嬉,Danny Z. Chen,加藤直樹,徳山豪,"高次元ピラミッドを用いた数値属性結合ルールの生成とデータマイニングへの応用",電子情報通信学会第14回データ工学ワークショップ(DEWS2003),2003年3月
Jinhee Chun,Danny Z. Chen,Naoki Katoh,and Takeshi Tokuyama,"Higher-dimensional Pyramid construction Problem and Application to Data Mining",情報処理学会88回アルゴリズム研究会,2003年1月
Jinhee Chun,Naoki Katoh,and Takeshi Tokuyama,"Efficient Algorithms for Constructing a Pyramid from a Terrain", Proceeding of Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry 2002(JCDCG02) ,2002年12月
Jinhee Chun,Naoki Katoh,and Takeshi Tokuyama,"How to Reform a Terrain into a Pyramid",情報処理学会86回アルゴリズム研究会,2002年9月,51-58項
全眞嬉,岡田ロベルト,藤井章博,"Mining data on a large-scale highly diversified purchase data",経営情報学会2001年春季全国研究発表大会予稿集,2001年6月,209-212項