
The 20th Korean Workshop on Computational Geometry will be held in ZAO Center Plaza, Yamagata, Japan during the week of February 6(Mon) - 11(Sat), 2017. The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers working in computational geometry and graph drawing to discuss and work together on research problems. Following the tradition of the previous workshops, we hope to have active discussions and to work together on research problems, in particular in, but not limited to, the area of computational geometry. Therefore, it would be great if you bring some interesting open problems that can be explained quickly.


The conference will take place at Zao Center Plaza, Yamagata, Japan.

Goals and Motivation

Discrete and Computational Geometry has been developed as a subarea of algorithmics and combinatorics, concerned with algorithms and data structures for geometric problems and their discrete and combinatorial properties. These problems are motivated by application areas, such as robotics, computer graphics, pattern and shape matching and recognition, computer vision, image processing, integrated circuit design, structural bioinformatics, and more. Since the mid 1980s, computational geometry has arisen as an independent field with its own international conferences and journals. Goals and motivation of this seminar is to have active discussions and to do research on problems in discrete and computational geometry among participants. Every participant is asked to prepare a short 15-30 min talk that leads directly to interesting open problems.


The registration fee is 15,000 JPY per person. This will cover workshop banquet, coffee breaks, excursion fee and shuttle bus (Sendai-Zao). We only accept cash.



Open Problems

As usual the workshop will mostly consist of research work in small, spontaneously formed groups. We will work on open problems presented by the participants within the first two days of the meeting.  Therefore, participants are asked to prepare presentations (20 min.) introducing interesting research topics including open problems.

Preliminary Program

Monday, February 6th

10:00 Shuttle to Zao Onsen from Sendai station
12:00 Arrival at Zao Onsen
13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome words
14:00 Presenting open problems
18:00 Dinner
20:00 - 23:00 Free discussion

Tuesday, February 7th

9:00 Problem solving
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Problem solving
18:00 Dinner
20:00 - 23:00 Free discussion

Wednesday, February 8th

9:00 - 15:00 Excursion (optional) or Problem solving
15:00 Free discussion
18:00 Banquet
20:30 - 23:00 Free discussion

Thursday, February 9th

9:00 Progress report
10:00 Problem solving
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Problem solving
18:00 Dinner
20:00 - 23:00 Free discussion

Friday, February 10th

9:00 Progress report
10:00 Problem solving
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Problem solving
18:00 Dinner
20:00 - 23:00 Free discussion

Saturday, February 11st

9:00 Problem solving
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Summary of results
16:00 Closing words
17:00 shuttles to Sendai Station

Previous Meetings